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发布时间:2021-06-22作者: 审稿人: 来源: 已浏览:

2021 西北工业大学智能通信与安全国际研讨会将于 2021 年 6 月 23 日至 6 月 24 日在西北工业大学友谊校区爱生楼 401进行,具体议程及时间安排如下:


时 间 :2021年06月23日(星期三)14:00-14:45


时 间 :2021年06月23日(星期三)15:30-16:15


时 间 :2021年06月23日(星期三)17:00-17:45


时 间 :2021年06月23日(星期三)17:45-18:30


时 间 :2021年06月23日(星期三)19:00-19:45


时 间 :2021年06月23日(星期三)20:30-21:15


时 间 :2021年06月23日(星期三)22:00-22:45


时 间 :2021年06月23日(星期三)22:45-23:30

报告[9]Systematical Verification of Concurrent Trigger-action IoT Systems


时 间 :2021年06月23日(星期三)14:45-15:30

内容简介:Trigger-action programming (TAP) is a popular end-userprogramming framework that can simplify the Internet of Things (IoT) automation with simple trigger-action rules. However, it also introduces new security and safety threats. A lot of advanced techniques have been proposed to address this problem. Rigorously reasoning about the security of a TAP-based IoT system requires a well-defined model and verification method both against rule semantics and physical-world features, e.g., concurrency, rule latency, extended action, and connection-based rule interactions, which has been missing until now. In this talk, we present a novel system to detect vulnerabilities in the TAP-based concurrent IoT system using model checking. It automatically extracts TAP rules from IoT apps, translates them into a hybrid model with model slicing and state compression, and performs semantic analysis and model checking with various safety and liveness properties. Our experiments corroborate that our detection system is effective in the security analysis of IoT systems: it identifies 533 violations with 9 new types of vulnerability from 1108 real-world market IoT apps and its efficiency of vulnerability detection is 60000 times faster than the baseline without optimization at least.

报告人简介Yinbo Yu received the B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in information and communication engineering from Wuhan University, China, in 2014 and 2020. He is currently an Associate Professor with the School of Cybersecurity, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China. He was a visiting Ph.D. student with Northwestern University, USA from 2017 to 2019. His research interests span on the area of networking, security, and software verification.

报告[10]Research on Behavior Recognition Technology Based on Wearable Device


时 间 :2021年06月23日(星期三)16:15-17:00

内容简介:In recent years, Intelligent perception devices widely exist in people's lives, and the research of behavior recognition based on Intelligent perception technology has been further developed. Contact IntelliSense technology is mainly based on wearable devices, which has the characteristics of low cost, convenient deployment and not easy to be interfered by the external environment. However, the signal collected wearable devices is often weak and difficult to detect. The traditional window function method can not extract the behavior signal effectively. Many behaviors are similar and it is difficult to use the machine learning method to build the accurate recognition model directly. To address these two challenges, given the universality of wearable devices and the importance of behavior recognition, four key issues, namely Chinese character and stroke order recognition, pen-holding posture recognition, rhythm-based tap authentication and head gesture recognition during walking are studied.

报告人简介Hongliang Bi received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Engineering from Xi'an University of Technology, Soochow University and Wuhan University in 2013, 2015 and 2020, respectively. He is currently an assistant professor in the School of Cybersecurity of Northwestern Polytechnical University. His research interests include machine learning, IntelliSense, privacy security and Internet of Things, etc.

报告[11]UAV-enabled Internet of Things


时 间 :2021年06月23日(星期三)19:45-20:30

内容简介:We have seen the proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT), which has been wildly used in the industry, agriculture, smart city and other fields. IoT is essentially connecting things (or objects) to the Internet. However, there are two critical challenges when IoT is practically deployed. The first challenge is constrained network coverage (how to conduct data transmission when IoT infrastructure is hardly or not available).The second challenge issecurity vulnerability (how to guarantee the security of data transmission in IoT). Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been widely used in wireless communications, thanks to their mobility and flexibility. Therefore, in this presentation, we mainly focus on utilizing UAVs to overcome the above challenges in IoT.

报告人简介Qubeijian Wang received the Ph.D. degree from Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau, China. He is currently an assistant professor with the School of Cybersecurity, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China. His research interests include UAV communications, physical-layer security, and larger-scale network performance analysis.

报告[12]Disturbance rejection and tracking control for quadrotor UAVs based on equivalent-input-disturbance approach


时 间 :2021年06月23日(星期三)21:15-22:00

内容简介:Quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle (QUAV) has four cross-coupled propellers. This special mechanical structure enables it many distinct abilities such as perform vertical take-off and landing (VTOL), hovering, and cruising. Relying on those abilities, QUAVs are used to accomplish some practical missions, and thus they are widely used and studied in the world. The control of QUAVs is the key to accomplish missions. Thus, the research on the control scheme of QUAVs has important scientific research value and engineering application prospect. Our study focuses on three typical problems in the control of QUAVs: fixed-point tracking control, waypoint-tracking control, and trajectory-tracking control. Considering the influences of nonlinearities, uncertainties, and underactuation, we put forward three control methods to improve the robustness and accuracy of the controller, and dynamic and steady-state performance of the system.

报告人简介Wenjing Cai, School of Cybersecurity, Northwestern Polytechnical University. Received her Ph.D. degree from China University of Geosciences at 2020, and her B.Sc. & M.Sc. degrees from China University of Geosciences. She has been an exchange Ph.D. student at Tokyo University of Technology from 2016 to 2018. Nowadays, she is a young teacher in the School of Cybersecurity at Northwestern Polytechnical University. Her research areas include UAV control, nonlinear system analysis, and robust control.



时 间 :2021年06月24日(星期四)8:30-9:15


报告人简介艾渤,北京交通大学二级教授、博士生导师,轨道交通控制与安全国家重点实验室常务副主任。国家杰青、优青、英国皇家学会牛顿高级学者基金、国家中组部万人计划领军人才、中国科协“求是杰出青年奖”、詹天佑铁道科技奖青年奖获得者;中国工程院“中国工程前沿杰出青年学者”;获得北京市优秀教师荣誉称号。至今发表IEEE期刊论文150余篇,获IEEE VTS协会Neil Shepherd Memorial Best Propagation Award最佳期刊论文奖和IEEE Trans. on Commun.最佳期刊论文奖;获IEEE Globecom、IEEE VTC等国际会议论文奖励13项;获得27项授权发明专利;被ITU, 3GPP等采纳提案21项;获省部级科技奖励9项。研究成果写入国家行业标准4项,成果应用于京沪等高速铁路,上百条、3万多公里的铁路线路建设。英国工程师学会会士(IET Fellow),IEEE BTS西安分会主席,IEEE VTS北京分会副主席,IEEE VTS杰出讲师。中国电子学会会士,中国通信学会监事会监事,中国移动轨道交通联盟5G产业推动委员会主任,国家6G总体组专家。

报告[14]MetaEverything: Intelligent MetaMaterial aided Sensing and Communications


时 间 :2021年06月24日(星期四)9:15-10:00

内容简介:Intelligent MetaMaterial recently stands out as a novel approach to improve the quality of communication links.The talk will provide the state-of-the-art of research on meta-surface assisted sensing and communications from the perspectives of physical, MAC, network, and application layers. It focuses on two main types of meta-surface based applications, i.e., cellular communications and RF sensing. It will discuss the meta-surface hardware design as well as machine learning techniques for different sensing applications. Technical issues related to communications will also be addressed including beamforming scheme design, phase shift optimization, and MAC layer protocol design.

报告人简介宋令阳,英国约克大学博士、挪威奥斯陆大学博士后、美国哈佛大学博士后、英国飞利浦研究院高级研究员,现为北京大学博雅特聘教授、学科建设办公室副主任、电子学系副主任、信息与通信研究所所长。主要研究方向是无线通信网络、信号处理和机器学习。获得教育部自然科学一等奖、国家自然基金委杰出青年科学基金、首届国家973计划青年专题项目首席科学家、首届国家自然基金委优秀青年科学基金、中组部青年拔尖人才、中国青年科技奖、北京市五四青年奖章、IEEE通信协会亚太地区杰出青年研究奖、IEEE Communication Society Leonard G. Abraham Prize、IEEE Communications Society Heinrich Hertz Award等。曾被评为IEEE Fellow、Clarivate Analytics高被引科学家等。

报告[15]Edge Learning: Theory, Algorithm and System Design


时 间 :2021年06月24日(星期四)10:00-10:45

内容简介:Driving by flourishing of both distributed machine learning and mobile edge computing, there is a stringent need to combine the advantages of these technologies so as to provide the learning tasks with high performance. Edge Learning, as an emerging learning concept, is complementary to the cloud-based methods for big data analytics by enabling distributed edge nodes to cooperatively train models and conduct inferences with their local data. This talk will focus on learning paradigms, fundamental theories, and enabling technologies for Edge Learning. We will first explain the background and motivation for AI running at the network edge. Then, we will review the challenge issues existing in Edge Learning. Furthermore, we will provide an overview of the overarching architectures, frameworks, and emerging key technologies for learning performance, security, privacy, and incentive issues toward training/inference at the network edge. Finally, we will discuss future research opportunities on Edge Learning.

报告人简介Song Guo is a Full Professor at Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He also holds a Changjiang Chair Professorship awarded by the Ministry of Education of China. Prof. Guo is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and a Fellow of the IEEE (Computer Society). His research interests are mainly in big data, edge AI, mobile computing, and distributed systems. He published many papers in top venues with wide impact in these areas and was recognized as a Highly Cited Researcher (Clarivate Web of Science). He is the recipient of over a dozen Best Paper Awards from IEEE/ACM conferences, journals, and technical committees. Prof. Guo is the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society and the Chair of IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Space and Satellite Communications Technical Committee. He was an IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer and a member of IEEE ComSoc Board of Governors. He has also served for IEEE Computer Society on Fellow Evaluation Committee, and been named on editorial board of a number of prestigious international journals like IEEE TPDS, IEEE TCC, IEEE TETC, etc. He has also served as chairs of organizing and technical committees of many international conferences.

报告[16]Intelligent Reflecting Surface Empowered Space-Air-Ground Integrated Network


时 间 :2021年06月24日(星期四)10:45-11:30

内容简介:With cooperative transmission of different access ways and unified resource management, the integration of space-air-ground network has become a historic tendency because of its distinctive superiority in the global coverage, massive connectivity, high capacity and low latency, etc. Intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) techniques rising recently are positioned as a vital enabler for facilitating wireless communication networks. In view of these, this article attempts to give an overview of space-air-ground integrated network (SAGIN) and IRS, as well as to provide a new perspective of how to apply IRS into SAGIN. Based on these, some important research agendas are identified. Then, we present two examples of IRS-based vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) backscatter communication in integrated space-ground network and IRS-assisted SAT and HAP integrated network. Finally, preliminary simulations verify the feasibility of the proposed strategy and evidence the benefit of integrating IRS into SAGIN.

报告人简介Sai Xu [S'17, M'20] received the Ph.D. degree from the Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, in 2020. He was also a joint Ph.D. student with the Electrical Engineering Department, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA, from October 2017 to April 2019. He is currently an AssociateProfessor with the School of Cybersecurity, Northwestern Polytechnical University. His research interests include intelligent reflecting surface, physical layer security, 5G and 6G communications, and satellite communications.

报告[17]A Study on Deep Learning-based Routing for Intelligent Traffic Control


时 间 :2021年06月24日(星期四)11:30-12:15

内容简介:Recent years, the global networks are challenged by the surging traffic demand since a growing number of devices are connected to offer users various kinds of services. The traffic control algorithms are becoming more important to avoid the congestion and ensure the satisfying end-to-end transmissions. Inspired by the development of Artificial Intelligence and computation platform, researchers are exploring new opportunities in packet processing and transmissions with deep learning to realize communication intelligentization. In this presentation, I will introduce our research on intelligent routing to reduce the end-to-end latency and improve network throughput. The talk will begin with the supervised learning-based routing model for a fixed backbone network. Then, the network dynamics including changing traffic and topology are considered and analyzed in the development of corresponding deep learning-based routing models. In the talk, we can find different deep learning strategies, such as supervised learning, online learning, and reinforcement learning, can be adopted to improve the throughput for different network scenarios.

报告人简介Bomin Mao (S'15, M'9) is currently a full professor with the School of Cybersecurity, Northwestern Polytechnical University. He was an associate professor at the Graduate School of Information Sciences (GSIS), Tohoku University, Japan, from 2020 to 2021. He also served as an assistant professor from 2019 to 2020. His research interests are involving intelligent wireless networks, software defined networking, IoT, particularly with applications of machine intelligence and deep learning. He received several Best Paper Awards from IEEE conferences, such as IEEE Global Communications Conference in 2017 (GLOBECOM'17), GLOBECOM'18, and IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content in 2018 (IC-NIDC 2018). He was a recipient of the prestigious 2020 Niwa Yasujiro Outstanding Paper Award and 2020 IEEE Computer Society Tokyo/Japan Joint Local Chapters Young Author Award.

报告[18]Aerial Computing: Enhancing Air-to-Ground Coverage for Next Generation Wireless Networks


时 间 :2021年06月24日(星期四)14:00-14:45

内容简介:Aerial base stations (ABSs) are promising to provide ubiquitous coverage in next-generation wireless networks due to the agility. However, trajectory planning and resource allocation (TPRA) for multiple ABSs is challenging since 1) ABSs fail to simultaneously cover all users due to the high mobility and energy limitation, and 2) the trajectory planning and resource allocation of ABSs are coupled. In this talk, we will discuss TPRA for multiple high-mobility ABSs to provide energy-efficient coverage, which is aided by efficient aerial computing. Especially, we focus on how to design decentralized trajectory planning algorithm based on decentralized reinforcement learning. Moreover,a transfer learning-based resource allocation algorithm is also presented to cater to the high mobility characteristics of ABSs.




时 间 :2021年06月24日(星期四)14:45-15:30


报告人简介李洪伟,教育部长江学者特聘教授(2019),电子科技大学网络空间安全研究院副院长,科技部十四五“网络空间安全治理”重点专项专家组成员、国家自然科学基金委员会会议评审专家、四川省学术和技术带头人。IEEE通信学会安全分会Secretary(中国大陆首位任职该分会的学者)、IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Distinguished Lecturer、《IEEE Internet of Things Journal》Associate Editor、ACM China SIGSAC 2019 TPC Co-chair。长期从事数据安全领域的基础和应用研究,主持国家重点研发计划课题和国家自然科学基金重点项目。发表学术论文100余篇,其中中科院JCR-1区/CCF-A类论文36篇,获得了包括麻省理工学院Srinivas Devadas教授在内的数十位ACM/IEEE Fellow的引用和正面评价;获IEEE ICPADS 2020、IEEE MASS 2018和IEEE Healthcom 2015的最佳论文奖。研究成果已应用于金融、医疗等领域,获2019年国家科技进步一等奖、2019年四川省科技进步二等奖、2018年中国网络安全与信息产业“金智奖-十大人物奖”、2018年和2017年中国银行业信息科技风险管理课题成果奖。



时 间 :2021年06月24日(星期四)15:30-16:15


报告人简介陈彩莲,上海交通大学自动化系教授,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者。主要从事工业网络系统的感知、传输与控制研究工作。主持科技部重点研发计划项目、NSFC重点项目等国家级和省部级项目20余项,在IEEE Transactions及其他国际期刊发表SCI论文100余篇,研究成果获2018年国家自然科学二等奖1项(排名第3),“教育部自然科学一等奖”2项,“上海市技术发明一等奖”1项。曾获得“IEEE模糊系统汇刊杰出论文奖”及最佳会议论文奖4项,中国自动化学会青年科学家奖等。先后担任IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications等多个英文期刊编委,担任IASA19的TPC主席, IEEE Globecom'16和IEEE VTC 2016-Fall, 2020-Fall等旗舰会议的Symposium TPC共同主席。



时 间 :2021年06月24日(星期四)16:15-17:00

内容简介:The satellite Internet-of-Things (IoT) is one of the important application scenarios in the field of wireless communications, and it is also an important part of the B5G and airspace-ground integrated networks. Random access (RA) has become a typical multiple access method in the satellite IoT because it does not require resource allocation and central scheduling, and it has also received extensive attention. However, with the increase in the number of satellite IoT devices and the intelligent and energy-efficient development of satellite IoT, RA is also constantly facing new challenges. On the one hand, the massive number of satellite IoT devices puts huge pressure on the RA of the satellite IoT, which will lead to severe collision between accessing devices and even network congestion; On the other hand, the satellite IoT devices are gradually miniaturized and intelligentized, which poses huge challenges to device's computational complexity, transmission power, and energy consumption. In order to cope with these issues, research on key techniques of the RA for satellite IoT has been carried out from three scenarios: RA for inter-satellite non-cooperative satellites, RA for inter-satellite cooperative satellites, and RA for relay-assisted satellites, and many effective satellite RA protocols are proposed in terms of different metrics. This talk presents the proposed effective RA protocols.


报告[22]Trajectory Optimization and Resource Allocation in Air-Ground Integrated Networks


时 间 :2021年06月24日(星期四)17:00-17:45

内容简介:Due to the outstanding characteristics of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), i.e., maneuverability and flexibility, UAV enabled mobile edge computing (MEC) has become a widely attractive research direction. However, single UAV cannot be qualified for numerous tasks and applications scenarios in view of its limited computing capacity, while multi-UAV enabled MEC is still in the initial stage, and most existing work transformed the problem of multi-UAV enabled MEC into multiplied single UAV. The UAV swarm can make UAVs cooperate intelligently, and accomplish diversified tasks in complex environments at low cost, which is regarded as a promising development direction of UAV technology. In this talk, we present some of our works on UAV enabled air-ground edge computing, with special emphasis on trajactory optimization and resource allocation. Besides, our recent thinkings of UAV swarm-based edge computing, including air-air cooperation, role division, etc., are also shared.

报告人简介Hongzhi Guo received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science and Technology from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2004, 2006, and 2011, respectively. He is currently an associate professor with the School of Cybersecurity, Northwestern Polytechnical University. He was the recipient of WiMob Best Paper Award 2019. His research interests cover MEC, AI, FiWi, IoT, 5G, smart grid, etc. He has published more than 30 peer-reviewed papers in many prestigious IEEE journals and conferences, and currently serves as an editor for IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Int. J. of Multimedia Intelligence and Security, and Frontiers in Communications and Network.


